Thursday, November 13, 2008


Seems like time to turn a page in the book.
We're not leaving Saskatoon...but we are selling our loft.

Know anyone interested in living in the heart of downtown?

(*click pages* to enlarge)


Naomi said...

It's nice to see some pictures of your place; they are very well done. Good luck with the sale! You could try posting it on Craigslist, in several cities? That's where lots of people look for houses.

Unknown said...

Wow guys. . the place looks great. Funny how we get a home all perfect just to sell it. . . =) Excited about your new venture though.


Ash Malone said...

Boo, whyyyy...even though I've never seen this place, it looks so amazing!!! How could you sell it?!?! Ok...going for something bigger & better?!?! Boo....anyways looks like this place wasn't too 'tough' to live in, it's beautiful! Just if we lived in might have a buyer!! =) Love ya

Anna said...

it's gorgeous tami! always love your style. we wish you luck in your next adventure wherever that may be, down the street or somewhere else=-) and may i ask who the artist is who painted the canvas in your bedroom?