Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sommerhus blog

Our couple hours in Iceland's Reykjavik airport was great - Daren said it might have ranked as his favorite airport ever - so based on that it just might be a place to revisit.

We got into Copenhagen early in the morning - took the train into the Main Copenhagen station which is right downtown Copenhagen. Wandered around the main square and had supper then caught the train for about a 40 min. ride to Tollose where Bryan and Lone met us and we went back to her parents Karen & Per Christiansen's place. We were really lucky to be there a day earlier than the group arriving - totally blessed with the Danish hospitality! Amazing! Went and spent day 2 with Byan, Lone, and Bryan's brother Nathan in Copenhagen.

The BIKES - they are everywhere! Everyone in Denmark bikes - you see women dressed to the 9's in high-heels and night clothes - men in suits - tons of families out biking - baskets on bikes everywhere - it's so awesome! Most of the bikes just have this one little lock on the back wheel. There are really 0 trucks around so there's not really any danger of someone loading up your bike.

The Danish love their babies to have lots of fresh air so you see baby's in Prams or buggies all over the place - lots of kids zooming along in little front seats on their parents bikes. Love it!

The simplicity & practicality - the thinking about longevity - the mix of tradition & modern! Fashion is very comfortable, practical but with a bit of craziness added in here and there.

Most of the N. American visitors for the wedding stayed in Tollose in the school boarding house where both Lone's parents work - worked really awesome - and they were super kind to have great Danish breakfasts (fresh bread, jams, cheeses) and amazing supper's every night before the wedding. Needless to say we all felt SO thankful because come to find out Denmark is quite expensive! Well, really expensive!

The wedding was gorgeous! I'll do a separate post with those pictures later.

Right now we are getting a bit more spoiled by a few night with Bryan, Lone and Amber and Ryan who are living in D.C. but both from New Zealand. We are at Lone's parents sommerhus (summer house) - chilling - playing a Danish lawn game called Viking - walking to the beach - eating good food - getting some good night sleep :)

Tomorrow Daren & I are renting a car and taking in a bit more of Denmark. We have about a week till we need to be back in Copenhagen for our flight to Prague. Not sure how often we'll run into internet connections between now and Prague - so we'll post as many pictures as we can right now and then...more later :)

What else to say so is excellent :) Hope everyone is awesome!

So here's a real post...


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing!!! it looks and sounds wonderful. soak it up and take lots of pictures
what a feeling to travel. enjoy!!!!

Anonymous said...

that was from us - the Sakundiaks

Anonymous said...

hey all the colors and the uniqueness of that place...oh to have your cruisers there eh??
...enjoyed reading your thoughts on it too!!! keep it up - when time allows!!!

great snapp'n......

(was at you place today again.....gave the greens a drink, and mail is in - all is good)

were off to c&j's cabin tonite.....yay! a break, and time with them, s/b a supa weekend.....

keep loving your adventures......
miss yu's.....
luv juanita.

Naomi said...

So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Glad you're enjoying your trip!

Ash Malone said...

hey babe! love your photos! looks like your trip is going amazing!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE your black look like a fox in it!! very cute!!! hope you guys are having a great time! .e.n.j.o.y. love ya both!!!

me said...

wow, you rock!! great blogging and fab pics and it's all up so speedy!! we're travelling with you! ;) Enjoy Prague...can't wait to peep in on those pics and tales too!

Kelly and Janae said...

wow- awesome blogging. I had stopped checking because I didn't think you would update with photos, til you got home. YAY- it looks like you guys are having SUCH A GOOD TIME! will look forward to more...